3 Signs You Have a Shoulder Injury

Source: Shutterstock

3 Signs You Have a Shoulder Injury

Last updated: Thursday, June 14, 2018 | 3 min reading time

The good news about shoulder injuries is that they can be easily treated by medication, physiotherapy and surgery.


Rotator cuff injury
Are your shoulders painful when you move them? Did you experience severe pain in your shoulder after a sports accident or a fall? You may have torn muscles and tendons called the rotator cuff.

Treatment for rotator cuff injuries:

To find out more about treatment options, speak to a specialist.


Has your shoulder ever popped out of place? If it has you know how painful it can be. A dislocated shoulder is caused by either falling onto an outstretched arm or suffering a severe impact from behind.

Treatment for dislocated shoulders:

Limited movement

limited movement
Do you feel you can't move your arms as wide as you could before? Is it getting more and more painful to move your shoulder in any direction? You may be in the first phase of frozen shoulder.

Frozen shoulder is caused by a gradual thickening of the capsule of connective tissue that surrounds the joint. The condition develops gradually, and usually stems from an injury, although it can also be related to diseases such as diabetes. Inflammation to the joint occurs, leading to the formation of scar tissue, causing the tissue around the shoulder joint to stiffen.

Treatment for frozen shoulder:

Now you're more aware of the risks, it's easier to avoid them. And as any doctor will tell you, if you want to protect your shoulders from injury, know your limits, and leave your ego at home when exercising!

If you've concerns about an existing shoulder injury, make an appointment with a specialist.

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Bone health Sports & exercise