5 Diabetes, Hypertension & Heart Attack Triggers You Don't Expect

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5 Diabetes, Hypertension & Heart Attack Triggers You Don't Expect

Last updated: Monday, August 22, 2016 | 2 min reading time

**Diabetes, hypertension and heart attacks are not just risks faced by heavy smokers and people with a sedentary lifestyle. **

An activity like smoking and a sedentary lifestyle make us susceptible to heart attacks, not to mention diabetes and hypertension. But while it's good to know the common risk factors, it doesn't hurt to know the rarer triggers as well:

Rarer triggers of hypertension

Heavy Meals

It's no crime to want to indulge once in a while, but the price you pay may not be worth the indulgence. There is a potential risk of developing a heart attack within 26 hours of eating a big meal. Researchers attribute this to the raised levels of the hormone nor epinephrine, which can cause hypertension.


A drink or two once in a while is fine, but long term binge drinking has been shown to increase your risk of developing diabetes, hypertension and ultimately of having a heart attack.


Something to keep in mind is low temperatures, even though we have little to worry about in the tropics. A cold environment causes the arteries to constrict, causing hypertension. On the other hand people with diabetes should be mindful that hot weather can cause a dangerous change in blood sugar levels so keeping properly hydrated all the time is key.


All the benefits of exercise are reversed when you overdo it. Sudden strenuous physical activities may increase your risk of suffering hypertension and a heart attack. This is especially important for those who have a family history of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Canned Foods

The large amounts of salt in canned foods can cause hypertension. Bisphenol A (BPA), a hormone disruptor present in canned foods is often linked to irregular heartbeat and cardiac death. People with hypertension are encouraged to cut down on their sodium intake as well as saying no to salt.

Like most things in life, moderation is key to ensure your heart is kept as healthy as it can be.

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Heart health