What is Parkway Plus?

Parkway Plus is a complimentary loyalty programme by Parkway, designed for our MyHealth360 app users and those who enrol in Healthier SG with us. As a member of Parkway Plus, you will enjoy additional benefits for accessible and affordable care, empowering you to take proactive steps towards a longer, healthier life.

Parkway Plus

How to join?

Becoming a Parkway Plus member is simple, with just a few easy steps.

Enrol in Healthier SG with us or download the MyHealth360 app to get started. To enjoy your member benefits, simply present your Parkway Plus e-membership card in the MyHealth360 app at participating locations.

Parkway Plus Member's Card

Healthier SG
Singaporeans and permanent residents aged 40 and above can enrol in Healthier SG. Those who enrol with Parkway Shenton will automatically be enrolled in the Parkway Plus programme. For details, please refer to our FAQs.

Download MyHealth360 app and follow our step-by-step setup guide.

What benefits are available at Parkway clinics?

Get member rates on preventive care and medical services at Parkway Shenton, Parkway MediCentre, and our sister hospitals within the IHH Healthcare Singapore network.

ServicesMember rates
(inclusive of GST)
GP consultation$27.25
Dietetics consultationFrom $127
Specialist consultation (at Parkway East Orthopaedic Centre & Parkway East Paediatric Clinic)From $187
Specialist consultation (at Parkway MediCentre)From $138
TeleConsult (on MyHealth360 app)$21
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) consultation$21
Health Screening 
Basic health screeningFrom $38
Executive health screeningFrom $556
Radiography and imaging (at Parkway Radiology)From $51
Home Care 
Home health screeningsFrom $207.10
Home Haj & Umrah vaccinationsFrom $333
Home nursingFrom $114
Flu vaccination$28
HPV vaccination (Gardasil 9)$256.50 per dose

What benefits are available with Parkway Plus partners?

Being a Parkway Plus member comes with more than just healthcare perks — you can also enjoy special benefits with our partner brands.

From dining and fitness to wellness, explore curated offerings that support your lifestyle and well-being. View the full list of Parkway Plus member benefits here.


Aikido Tai Shin KaiEn Motion Dance School
Aikido Tai Shin KaiEn Motion Dance School
Fitness FactoryFlex Fitness
Fitness Factory
Personal Training
Flex Fitness
Personal Training

Health & Wellness
BelunEu Yang San TCM Clinic
Sleep Test
Eu Yan Sang TCM Clinic
Intellect ClinicNovena ENT - Head & Neck Surgery Specialist
Intellect Clinic
Mental Health Clinic
Novena ENT
Head & Neck Surgery Specialist
Oxygen Therapy
Therapy Singjoy
Confinement Centre

For more information or assistance regarding our partner benefits, please email us.

For assistance with Healthier SG enrolment, call our dedicated helpline at 6233 9620.

Call us

Why choose Parkway Shenton?

Comprehensive family care
Comprehensive family care

A range of healthcare services for you and your family, no matter your needs

Connection to IHH network
Connection to IHH network

Seamless connections to Mount Elizabeth, Gleneagles and other brands in our IHH Healthcare network

Singapore’s oldest GP group
Singapore’s oldest GP group

Your trusted healthcare provider since 1973