Enrol with Parkway Shenton as your lifelong partner for quality and affordable medical care.
Healthier SG is a national initiative by the Ministry of Health (MOH) that promotes accessible and affordable preventive care, empowering Singaporeans to live longer, healthier lives.
Parkway Shenton clinics are registered Healthier SG clinics. Start your Healthier SG journey with us today.
You can sign up for Healthier SG if you’re a Singapore citizen or permanent resident.
If you are:
You will receive an SMS from the Ministry of Health inviting you to enrol with a Healthier SG clinic or polyclinic using the HealthHub app.
For a step-by-step guide on how to enrol with Parkway Shenton on the HealthHub app, please see the FAQs below.
By enrolling in the Healthier SG programme, you can enjoy subsidies for health screenings, vaccinations and medical treatment at our Parkway Shenton clinics.
Healthier SG includes:
If you are a CHAS cardholder, you can opt for Healthier SG tier and enjoy higher subsidies for selected chronic medications at similar rates to polyclinics. You can also use MediSave to pay for the full cost of treatment without the need for cash co-payment.
Upon enrolment:
Before your first appointment:
After your appointment:
A Healthier SG starts with a healthier you. By enrolling with Parkway Shenton for Healthier SG, you can enjoy these benefits:
As we age, our likelihood of experiencing health problems increases. Healthier SG focuses on preventive care, so you can take early steps to manage your health and prevent serious or chronic illnesses.
With Healthier SG, you can:
Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents aged 40 years old and above can now enrol in Healthier SG.
You will receive an SMS from the Ministry of Health (MOH) to enrol using the HealthHub app at a Healthier SG clinic or polyclinic.
For eligible residents who have yet to receive the SMS from MOH, you may contact us at our Healthier SG helpline at 6233 9620 for assistance with enrolment.
You may contact us at our Healthier SG helpline at 6233 9620 for assistance with enrolment if you are a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident aged 40 years old and above.
The Ministry of Health’s Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) covers the following 23 chronic diseases:
In-House Clinics
Yes, with the consent of your family members, you can be given access to help them enrol for Healthier SG. You may also view their health plans on the HealthHub app.
You will need your family member’s Singpass account for authorisation via HealthHub. Please refer to the step-by-step guide here.
If you require assistance with enrolment, please contact our Healthier SG helpline at 6233 9620.
To enrol for Healthier SG:
You can also self-enrol via the HealthHub website. A Singpass account is required to do so. For clarifications, please call 6325 9220.
Enrolment via HealthHub is available only for Healthier SG-registered clinics open to the general public. If you are a corporate client of Parkway Shenton, please visit your company’s in-house clinic for assistance with enrolment.
During the Health Plan consultation at your enrolled Healthier SG clinic, the doctor will discuss your health and co-create a Health Plan that works for you. This may include:
Your first onboarding health consultation will be free, and completing your Health Plan discussion will earn you bonus Healthpoints on the Healthy 365 app.
Nationally recommended screenings and vaccinations will be fully subsidised at your enrolled clinic if you are eligible.
You may book your first Health Plan consultation with your enrolled clinic via one of these options:
Follow the steps below to book your first Health Plan consultation via the HealthHub app.
Step 1:
Access your HealthHub app and log in with your Singpass.
Tap on the Healthier SG banner in green on the homepage or select 'Healthier SG' in the Service Categories page.
Step 2:
Follow the instructions within the app to enrol in Healthier SG.
Step 3:
After enrolment, you will be prompted to the 'Book appointment' screen.
Alternatively, in the Health Recommendations main page, tap on 'Manage appointment' to schedule a consultation with your enrolled clinic.
Thereafter, you will be able to book an appointment through:
Follow the steps below to book your first Health Plan consultation via the MyHealth360 app.
Step 1:
Access your MyHealth360 app and log in.
On the Services page, tap on the Healthier SG icon. If you have enrolled in Healthier SG with Parkway Shenton or Parkway MediCentre, you will be able to view your enrolment date and clinic details.
Step 2:
Follow the instructions within the app to book your appointment.
You will also have the option to reschedule the appointment if needed.
Step 3:
You will receive an in-app reminder 2 days before your scheduled appointment.
If you wish to reschedule your appointment, you may do so via the following options:
If you have enrolled with us, you can use your next scheduled appointment as an opportunity to also have your first Health Plan discussion with the doctor. However, please note that there may still be fees charged for consultation and treatment that are unrelated to Healthier SG.
A digital summary of your Health Plan can be viewed and accessed on the HealthHub app after your first consultation.
Follow the steps below to view your Health Plan in HealthHub.
For recommended health programmes offered by community partners, you can use HealthHub to access the Healthy 365 app and see which activities are available near you. Alternatively, you may download the Healthy 365 app directly.
If you do not have a smartphone to access the HealthHub app, you may request your clinic to print out a copy of your Health Plan for you or access it on the HealthHub web portal.
HealthHub retrieves your health records such as screening and lab test results from the medical records system of public healthcare institutions, such as polyclinics and public restructured hospitals. For more information on the types of health records, you may refer to the HealthHub FAQs.
Yes, you will be referred to a specialist where necessary. Your doctor (or the care team) will discuss with you prior to making any referral for specialist care.
Your clinical results by other healthcare providers may not be automatically sent to your Healthier SG clinic. Therefore, it's advisable to bring your clinical results to every appointment as a best practice.
Your clinic will advise you on your next check-in dates.
Individuals with chronic conditions will typically require 2 – 4 follow-up consultations annually with a doctor. Prevailing subsidies, such as the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS), will apply for visits and treatment. The enhanced Healthier SG benefits will apply for residents seeking care from their enrolled clinic.
For those without chronic conditions, you may check in with your enrolled clinic annually.
Yes, you can change your healthcare provider via HealthHub, or call MOH at 6325 9220.
To change your preferred Healthier SG clinic via HealthHub, follow the steps below:
Note: If you have not gone for the first Health Plan consultation, there is no limit to the number of times you can change your primary care provider via HealthHub.
Once you have completed your first Health Plan visit, you may change your healthcare provider up to 4 times, till end 2024. Thereafter, you are allowed to change only once per calendar year.
Yes, you may withdraw consent from Healthier SG at any time by calling the MOH call centre at 6325 9220. By doing so, you will be excluded from the Healthier SG enrolment exercise and will no longer be entitled to Healthier SG benefits.