What is a Holter monitoring test?
A Holter monitoring test is a non-invasive diagnostic test. In general, it uses a portable device called a Holter monitor to continuously record your heart's electrical activity for 24 – 48 hours. Depending on your condition and Holter device, your doctor may also recommend using the device for up to 1 week.
This monitoring period differs from an electrocardiogram (ECG), which only records the heart's electrical activity for a short period.

Why do you need a Holter monitoring test?
Your doctor may recommend a Holter monitoring test to:
- Detect transient (temporary) rhythm disorders of the heart. The test allows your doctor to correlate symptoms such as palpitations (fast, strong, or irregular heartbeats, fainting and dizziness spells to your heart rhythm.
- Monitor the electrical activity of your heart during normal activity or after a heart attack.
- Diagnose any abnormal heart rhythm (including serious arrhythmias).
- Determine the success of a heart procedure.
- Monitor the effect of new heart medicine.
What are the risks and complications of a Holter monitoring test?
There is no significant risk from wearing a Holter monitor. You may feel some discomfort from wearing the device continuously or skin irritation where the electrodes are attached.
How do you prepare for a Holter monitoring test?
In general, the Holter monitor needs to stay dry to prevent damage to it. Some of the modern Holter devices, such as patch Holter monitors, can support light showers and even swimming.
You may wish to take a shower before your scheduled appointment to attach the device.
What can you expect in a Holter monitoring test?
You can carry on with your normal activities during the test.
Estimated duration
In general, you may need to wear the device for 24 – 48 hours. Depending on your condition and Holter device, your doctor may recommend wearing the device for up to 1 week.
Before the procedure
Your doctor will attach the small sensors (electrodes) to your chest. A small amount of hair may need to be shaved to allow the electrodes to stick to your skin better.
The sensors will be connected to a recording device with a few wires. Your doctor will instruct you on how to wear the recording device so that it works properly.
During the procedure
You will wear the Holter monitor throughout the duration of the test, including when you are asleep. You need to keep a record of your activities and note down any of these symptoms:
- Any pounding, fluttering or skipped heartbeats
- Shortness of breath
- Lightheadedness
- Chest pain
After the procedure
Return the device to your doctor, together with your record of symptoms. Your doctor will study the readings of the Holter monitor against your physical daily activity to determine any abnormal heartbeats and disorders.